Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Opiate/suboxone withdrawal tips (continued)

Heres a little bit more of stuff that really helps in withdrawal. I plan on covering things that aren't medicine next, like saunas and the like.

DXM- separates the body from the mind. This was probably the thing that got me through the initial WD phase and eventually off subs for good. It's a dissociative NMDA drug. NMDA drugs have been studied and proven to help with withdrawals and tolerance of many types of drugs.
DXM is an interesting drug, one that I particularly enjoyed at one point of my life. However, to many it is uncomfortable and unenjoyble. I had experience with it so I knew what to expect. I highly suggest people try it before withdrawaling because I can't imagine tripping in acute WD on something unfamiliar.
The best feature of DXM is that it separates the body from the mind, so you can't feel the withdrawal. Like, it's almost cheating it worked so well in helping me quit.

5-HTP- helps with sleep and overall mood.

Doxylamine succinate- a potent antihistamine that can be used for sleep. Many people find that it works greatin WD, while others say it intensifies certain aspects like restless legs
Magnesium (preferably magnesium citrate)- magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant and is great for neurotransmitter health. It will help with muscle stiffness and cramps you experience with withdrawal. Get magnesium citrate or another one of the high absorption ones. The commonly sold magnesium oxide is terrible for WD because it doesn't absorb well into the body, so it ends up in the intestines, acting as a laxative and intensifying (an already terrible) diarrhea.

L-Tyrosine- this works really well as an energy enhancer once the initial acute withdrawal phase is over. Without going into much technical detail, tyrosine converts itself into dopamine. Dopamine will help a lot with mood and get you back on track to happiness

Multi vitamin WITH minerals- this one is rather obvious. Add it to your regiment of WD aids.

Naproxen sodium (aleve)- helps with muscle pains and discomforts. I typically prefer this over Tylenol, although its mostly because I've taken a lot in the past with hydros and oxys and don't want to do any more damage!

Potassium- helps with cramping, electrolyte levels, etc. Very helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Stopping opiates is really a challenging struggle, however it may be gained with the right methods. Nowadays we are going to review the best solutions to calm withdrawal symptoms caused by extended opiate addiction in order to move to a lifestyle situated in healing.
    imodium for opiate withdrawal
